Infographics: How effective is it?


To give value the usefulness of infographics, we need to understand first what it is all about.

Infographics  refers to different types of visual aids that can be used to express information. This can also be used in website design including pictures, graphs, diagrams, charts, lists, maps, and tables. The best infographics will depend on what kind of information you are trying to relay.

To generate many viewers, infographics must be create effectively using interesting and memorable pictures, but there are also some ways to achieve it. Based on the research, here are the ways:

Uniqueness-  You need to design something unique that will capture the attention of the audience you are seeking to draw in. Using something unexpected in an ordinary bar graph, for instance, will draw interest and get your point across.

SimplicityUsing too many different images and designs or filling backgrounds with too much color or full photographs may actually make your data harder to understand. Remember that in today’s busy world, so much information is available that when people see too much to digest and comprehend quickly, they are probably going to turn away or click somewhere else because it looks too complicated to be worth their time. So, just keep it simple.

Creativeness and Boldness For a truly impactful design that gets your message across, it’s important to make sure that your main message is bold and obvious. It also needs to be creative enough to just give it that special little twist. 

Less is More- Keeping your text minimal will most likely produce more impact than a page full of words. People are bombarded with information all day long, including blaring images, bright colors and blinking lights. Your goal is to entice them to stop scrolling and look at your infographic. 

If infographics created effectively, here are also the advantages of it:

* Makes information more appealing

* Shows valuable ideas

* Attention-grabbing

* Easier to understand

* Lessens boredom

* Awakens one’s interest

* Accessible

* More persuasive

* Memorable

* Easy to relay information

This article shows the effectiveness and importance of infographics.

A Good E-Marketing

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The Enlightened Marketing Model

The new 4 Ps to be considered in e- marketing are Probe, People, Proposition and Postulation.

Probe- all marketing strategies, product development, campaign executions, and all other marketing implementations must be guided by research. This will provide business companies the basic and more pertinent information to communicate to the target market.


People- whom you are talking to or your audience who will read or response to your messages. To know them, the marketer would need an analysis of the demographics and psycho graphics of the people.E-companies should likewise provide guidelines to e-consumers on effective and efficient ways of online shopping.


Proposition- is the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes the place the product occupies in consumer’s minds relative to competing products. This is also where we found the product category proposition, the positioning of the brand, the media proposition, etc., that will entice the target to buy your products, services or ideas.

Here are some methods to successfully promote any product, service or information online:

* Pre-promotion Campaign
* Reference
* News Releases
* Articles
* Search Engines
* Announcement Sites
* Announcement Lists
* E-zine Ads
* Publisher Swaps
* Opt-In Direct E-mail
        Postulation- with an advent of a new social order which clamors for social changes, drastic improvement in the environment, and many other advocacy measures, social marketing should always be in place for your company or product to have a competitive advantage. In this era of parity, the company that postulates or offers an advocacy campaign is remembered, patronized, and preferred for a longer period of time.

Importance of a Good Domain Name

It is important to have a good domain name especially when a person will make it for a business purposes. A good domain name will reflect if what website is all about. It can establish credibility to the company’s name. Customers will appreciate it and they will trust any products and services it offers. So, they will be more likely to buy from that certain company rather than the competitors because of the trustworthiness of the domain name. They will tend to visit the website because it is clear, easy to find and relates to the name of the business. If the domain name will be confusing, the customers/visitors will lead to another site or the competitors site and they will benefit it. Since the domain name serves as the address and a great help to the success of the website, it should be made in a good way. It is how important to have a good domain name.